Quiz Results

BPD Traits


Significant Concern That Behaviors Are Associated With BPD

The quiz questions, some of which originally appeared in Stop Walking On Egg Shells (Mason and Kreger, 1998) and on the McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality DIsorder (MSI-BPD), are chosen to give you a more clear sense of whether or not someone in your life engages in behaviors that might be considered traits associated with Borderline Personality Disorder. It is not scientific or diagnostic in any way. It is intended to help you make sense of what is happening in your own life and decide if seeking further support is needed.

A score of between 5 and 6 yes answers indicates there is significant concern that this individual is already suffering beyond what they are able to tolerate skillfully. They are at high risk for increasingly problematic symptoms that can potentially become fixed ways of responding to their environment and those around them. Once habituated these patterns can be difficult to change.

At this level, one is encouraged to seek further consultation as soon as possible with a trained professional or organization knowledgeable and experienced with diagnosing and treating Borderline Personality Disorder. This diagnosis has many and varied behavior patterns that are easily confused with other diagnoses especially those which also present with trauma, ADHD, autism, and emotional dysregulation. For that reason a thorough assessment by an expert is recommended. 

Keep in mind that regardless of initials, licensure or credentials, a diagnosis cannot be made on the basis of a screening or one 15-45 minute interview.

Best overall resource

Everything I *wish* I had known about BPD... all in ONE place.

This is hands down THE single most comprehensive, affordable and immediately accessible tool for those struggling to piece together all of the complicated nuances of loving someone with BPD or high emotional sensitivity. 

get more support

Group Coaching

Joining one of our Groups offers peer support, skills training, the opportunity to practice skills, and accountability as we work towards having a life worth living. 


An answer of Yes to any or all of questions 3 (Has this person intentionally cut or burned themself or engaged in any other form of intentional self harm?), 4 (Have they ever attempted suicide?), or 6 (Has the individual experienced more than one problem with impulsivity such as bingeing, unsafe sexual encounters, running away, drinking or drug use?) requires immediate consultation with a professional, regardless of the total score.

Why I created this quiz

Most currently as a coach, and previously as a psychiatric nurse, teacher, and mother, I have seen so many of you struggling to cope with friends, partners, and family members who have a diagnosis or BPD or who share some of the traits. One of the comments I frequently hear is, “I wish I knew what I know now and that there had been someone to help me when my child was younger” and, “I knew something wasn’t right but nobody took me seriously and often implied that my child’s behavior was caused by poor parenting.”

My mission is two-fold. First, to reduce stigma by providing accurate and up-to-date information to families and loved ones about BPD and its associated personality traits. And second, and equally important, to give you tools within a community format that can be used to facilitate decision making, communication, limit setting, self-care, and access to quality treatment.

If you are new to the BPD world or if you have been around awhile and find yourself second guessing yourself, I hope you will find the information here helpful and encouraging. Regardless of where you may be in this journey please remember that most people with BPD recover and the emotional investment of the family along with the hard work of the individual has a significant effect on a positive outcome.

PLEASE NOTE: This survey is NOT diagnostic of Borderline Personality Disorder or of any other mental illness and yet it provides a clear lens through which to view a pattern of behavior(s) that may be problematic if ignored. Disclosure & Terms

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